Daily Assignments for the Week of:  Nov. 15th - 19th

Monday:  Reading:  Log
                 Spelling:  10 Sentences
                 Math:  WS 50B

Tuesday:  Reading:  Log
                                   Make Voc. Flashcards
                  Math:  WS 51B
Wednesday:  Reading:  Log
                                         Voc. Quiz-Study                       
                       Math:  WS 52B

Thursday:  Reading:  Log
                                    Study Guide
                   Math:  WS 53B
                   Spelling:  Test-Study
Friday:  Enjoy Your Weekend!

Weekly Assignments

Weekly Reminders...   The following will occur each week unless otherwise noted in a note, newsletter, or your child's planner.  
Mondays:  New spelling and vocabulary list given  
Thursdays:  Vocabulary tests given  
Fridays:  -Spelling tests given
Reading tests given on reading story of the week   
                     -Friday folder sent home with child's graded work  
                     -Parents should look over the work and the behavior chart,
                     sign the folder, and return it on Monday.